

Browser APIs pertaining to the underlying network the browser is running on.

Kind: global class

networkAPI.hasNetworkAPI() ⇒ boolean

Check whether the browser supports networking queries.

Kind: instance method of NetworkAPI
Returns: boolean - True if network APIs are supported.

networkAPI.getDefaultWiFiStatus() ⇒ WiFiStatus

Create an object holding the default WiFi status metrics.

Kind: instance method of NetworkAPI
Returns: WiFiStatus - The default WiFi status.

networkAPI.addWiFiStatusObserver(observer, [notifyAll])

Add an observer to be notified when the browser’s WiFi status has changed. The provided callback is triggered immediately with the browser’s current WiFi status (if it has one).

Kind: instance method of NetworkAPI

Param Type Default Description
observer WifiStatusChangedCallback   Callback triggered when the browser’s WiFi status has changed.
[notifyAll] boolean false Whether to be notified of all WiFi networks discovered by the browser, or only the currently connected WiFi network.


Request the browser for an updated WiFi status. When results are available, all registered observers will be notified.

Kind: instance method of NetworkAPI

NetworkAPI.WiFiStatus : object

An object containing metrics about a WiFi network the browser has discovered. If the system the browser is running on does not support all metrics, they will be 0 (signalLevel) or -1 (rxMbps / txMbps).

Kind: static typedef of NetworkAPI


Name Type Description
ssid string The service set identifier (SSID) of the WiFi network.
bssid string The basic service set identifier (BSSID) of the WiFi access point.
connectionState string The WiFi network’s current connection state (one of “Connected”, “Connecting”, “NotConnected”).
rssi number The received signal strength indicator of the network, in dBm. Will typically be on a scale of -100 (worst strength) to 0 (best strength).
signalLevel number The RSSI signal quality rating using the system’s RSSI quality rating thresholds. Will typically be on a scale of 0 (worst strength) to maxSignalLevel (best strength).
maxSignalLevel number The system’s maximum signal level.
frequency number The network channel’s band, in MHz.
linkSpeed number The current link speed, in Mbps.
rxMbps number The current receive link speed, in Mbps.
txMbps number The current transmit link speed, in Mbps.
maxRxMbps number The maximum supported receive link speed, in Mbps.
maxTxMbps number The maximum supported transmit link speed, in Mbps.
noiseMeasurement number The current aggregate noise measurement for the network, in dBm.

NetworkAPI.WifiStatusChangedCallback : function

Callback triggered when browser’s WiFi status has changed.

The parameter provided to the callback depends on how the callback was registered. If requested to be notified about all networks, then the provided parameter will be a list of all WiFi networks discovered by the browser. Otherwise, it will be the currently connected WiFi network (if there is one).

Kind: static typedef of NetworkAPI

Param Type Description
status Array.<WiFiStatus> | WiFiStatus A list of all discovered WiFi networks, or the currently connected WiFi network.