

Browser APIs pertaining to the browser and system themes.

Kind: global class

themeAPI.hasThemeAPI() ⇒ boolean

Check whether the browser supports theme customizations.

Kind: instance method of ThemeAPI
Returns: boolean - True if theme customizations are supported.

themeAPI.getDefaultBackground() ⇒ BackgroundImage

Create an object holding the default background image properties.

Kind: instance method of ThemeAPI
Returns: BackgroundImage - The default background image.


Add an observer to be notified when the browser or system theme has changed. The provided callback is triggered immediately with the current theme.

Kind: instance method of ThemeAPI

Param Type Description
observer ThemeChanged Callback triggered when the browser or system theme has changed.


Show or hide the Customize Chrome side panel.

Kind: instance method of ThemeAPI

ThemeAPI.BackgroundImage : object

Meta-information about a background image.

Kind: static typedef of ThemeAPI

Name Type Description
imageUrl string URL of the image.
imageAlignment string The CSS background-position image style.
imageTiling string The CSS background-repeat image style.
thumbnailUrl string URL of a thumbnail for the image.
attributionLine1 string First line of any attribution for the image, possibly empty.
attributionLine2 string Second line of any attribution for the image, possibly empty.
attributionUrl string A URL to find out more about the image, possibly empty.
attributionImageUrl string URL of the attribution image, possibly empty.

ThemeAPI.Theme : object

Object defining the system’ and user’s theme.

Kind: static typedef of ThemeAPI

Name Type Description
darkModeEnabled boolean The system’s dark mode preference.
background BackgroundImage The background image chosen by the user, if any.

ThemeAPI.ThemeChanged : function

Callback triggered when browser or system theme has changed.

Kind: static typedef of ThemeAPI

Param Type Description
theme Theme The newly applied theme.